Thanks to many years of expe­ri­ence in recruit­ment, we have strong exper­ti­se and an exten­si­ve net­work across indus­tries. By com­bi­ning acti­ve sourcing and digi­tal mar­ke­ting as well as the tar­ge­ted use of robo­tics, we maxi­mi­se effi­ci­en­cy in recruit­ment.

Do you have an emp­ty chair? Let us fill it!


Actively uti­li­zing and ana­ly­zing Goog­le and Meta-Ads to maxi­mi­ze the visi­bi­li­ty of job pos­tings on Goog­le and social media. Addi­tio­nal­ly, we have an attrac­ti­ve refer­ral sys­tem.
Employ­er Bran­ding
We speak the lan­guage of your com­pa­ny and com­mu­ni­ca­te the cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re in an attrac­ti­ve way. Our entre­pre­neu­ri­al thin­king and strong empa­thy lead us to suc­cess.
Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence in recruit­ment, we have a strong net­work across indus­tries. In addi­ti­on, Peak Per­so­nal uti­li­ses semi-auto­ma­ted acti­ve sourcing, which signi­fi­cant­ly increa­ses the num­ber of can­di­da­te inter­ac­tions.
Sala­ry sup­port
With exten­si­ve mar­ket know­ledge, we are fami­li­ar with typi­cal sala­ries. We are hap­py to advi­se you on sala­ry inqui­ries so that the­re is cla­ri­ty at the job inter­view.
Hones­ty and Trans­pa­ren­cy
You recei­ve full trans­pa­ren­cy and hones­ty from us. We tre­at ever­yo­ne the way we would like to be trea­ted.
Tests and Assess­ments
Upon request, we are able to test can­di­da­tes on soft and hard skills.
100 day gua­ran­tee
If the employ­ment rela­ti­onship bet­ween a pla­ced can­di­da­te and you is ter­mi­na­ted within the first 100 days, you will recei­ve a par­ti­al refund of the pla­ce­ment fee paid.