Refer­ral Pro­gram

We reward every per­son who puts us in cont­act with a poten­ti­al can­di­da­te with CHF 1000 after 100 days of employ­ment.

How it works


We con­firm your refer­ral.


Fill out the cont­act form.



If the pro­po­sed per­son is suc­cessful­ly pla­ced by Peak Per­so­nal GmbH, the fee of CHF 1000 will be paid to the lead pro­vi­der by bank trans­fer after the first 100 days of employ­ment.

If the employ­ment rela­ti­onship is ter­mi­na­ted within a peri­od of 100 days, Peak Per­so­nal GmbH will not pay a pla­ce­ment fee.


Based on the CV and initi­al cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­ons, we deci­de whe­ther to include the sug­gested per­son in our data­ba­se or not.