About us

A suc­cessful busi­ness only exists as a team. You are also part of our team becau­se wit­hout good coope­ra­ti­on with indi­vi­du­als and com­pa­nies, the­re is no suc­cess.


Recruit­ment con­sul­tant

In 2020, a fri­end recom­men­ded me an intern­ship at one of the glo­bal­ly lar­gest staf­fing agen­ci­es. After a six-month trail, I was hired as a per­ma­nent pla­ce­ment con­sul­tant, suc­cessful­ly gui­ding over 20 peo­p­le to new chal­lenges in the fol­lo­wing six months.



After com­ple­ting my app­ren­ti­ce­ship as a Chef at Gast­haus Röss­li in Wil, a mili­ta­ry care­er as a Quar­ter­mas­ter Ser­g­ant in the Swiss Army and a long world trip, I work­ed for over two years as an All­roun­der Sales & Events and as Depu­ty Mana­ging Direc­tor at the we for you GmbH. We for you includes the suc­cessful jewel­ry brand TREND.ME and the pop-up gas­tro­no­my of Dä Sta­del-Maa.


Vice Pre­si­dent Sales

With clear goals in mind and a desi­re for inter­na­tio­nal expe­ri­ence, I then dedi­ca­ted mys­elf to a new role. As Vice Pre­si­dent Sales, I was respon­si­ble for buil­ding the Recruit­ment Pro­cess Out­sour­cing and Mana­ged Ser­vice Pro­vi­der busi­ness in Euro­pe. I dro­ve com­plex solu­ti­ons and nego­tia­ted with C‑level exe­cu­ti­ves.


Solu­ti­on Sales Mana­ger

Bereits im Jahr 2021, wur­de ich intern zum Solu­ti­on Sales Mana­ger pro­mo­viert, wor­auf zwei sen­sa­tio­nel­le Jah­re im loka­len Out­sour­cing Geschäft folg­ten. Ich bin unglaub­lich dank­bar für die span­nen­de Zeit, in der ich enorm viel gelernt habe.

My main moti­va­ti­on is to do some­thing good for others. It ful­fills me when peo­p­le recei­ve new pro­fes­sio­nal oppor­tu­ni­ties through my work and when com­pa­nies can find their desi­red can­di­da­tes fas­ter with my help.

So let’s do this tog­e­ther.

For Peak Per­for­mance
in Recruit­ment.