Are you see­king a pro­fes­sio­nal sup­port in your job search, inter­view trai­ning, and expert gui­dance in the decis­i­on-making pro­cess?

Then you’­ve come to the right spot!


We mana­ge your appli­ca­ti­on docu­ments with inte­gri­ty, ensu­ring ever­y­thing is cor­rect­ly struc­tu­red. Simul­ta­neous­ly, we enhan­ce attrac­ti­ve­ness through editing and design to show­ca­se your best qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons opti­mal­ly.
Only one-third of open posi­ti­ons in the spe­cia­list and manage­ment sec­tors are fil­led with publicly adver­ti­sed vacan­ci­es. With Peak Per­so­nal, you can explo­re posi­ti­ons that are not offi­ci­al­ly adver­ti­sed but urgen­tly need to be fil­led.
We advi­se you on your care­er path and pro­vi­de you with infor­ma­ti­on on employee satis­fac­tion, sala­ry, bene­fits, and employ­ment con­di­ti­ons depen­ding on the employ­er, which are often con­cea­led in a job adver­ti­se­ment.
We prepa­re you for every inter­view, pro­vi­ding you with insights and pos­si­ble sce­na­ri­os so that you are rea­dy to go.
You will recei­ve honest feed­back from us regar­ding your chan­ces and the sta­tus of your appli­ca­ti­on. In the event of rejec­tion, the reasons we have unco­ver­ed can help increase your chan­ces in your next appli­ca­ti­on.