Seni­or Digi­tal Pro­du­cer


About us

We prio­ri­ti­ze hiring indi­vi­du­als based on their core values rather than sole­ly focu­sing on hard skills. Our approach is to empower excep­tio­nal can­di­da­tes to excel in a role by lever­aging their strengths, regard­less of whe­ther they pre­cis­e­ly match a job descrip­ti­on. As a result, we wel­co­me appli­cants with vary­ing levels of expe­ri­ence, both excee­ding and fal­ling short of the requi­re­ments out­lined below.

Pixel­Piew is a pri­va­te­ly owned stu­dio spe­cia­li­zing in design, bran­ding, and crea­ti­ve ser­vices. Our mis­si­on is to dri­ve the evo­lu­ti­on and pro­spe­ri­ty of finan­cial ser­vices, B2B, cor­po­ra­te, and non-pro­fit orga­niza­ti­ons. We achie­ve this by harnes­sing the power of rese­arch and craft­sman­ship to crea­te refi­ned brand iden­ti­ties, web­sites, mes­sa­ging, cam­paigns, and mar­ke­ting mate­ri­als.

We Want

We are actively see­king skil­led and enthu­si­a­stic free­lan­ce desi­gners to join our ros­t­er of crea­ti­ve pro­fes­sio­nals. This is a broad appli­ca­ti­on, and we invi­te all desi­gners to app­ly, with a spe­cial empha­sis on tho­se who excel in the fol­lo­wing are­as:

Plea­se be awa­re that while we may not be able to respond to every appli­cant imme­dia­te­ly, we will retain all sub­mis­si­ons for poten­ti­al future oppor­tu­ni­ties. If you are pas­sio­na­te about design and are eager to tack­le exci­ting and deman­ding pro­jects, we sin­ce­re­ly encou­ra­ge you to reach out to us!


This is a free­lan­ce, remo­te posi­ti­on, but you are also wel­co­me to work on-site at our Pro­vi­dence, RI loca­ti­on if you pre­fer. We offer com­pe­ti­ti­ve com­pen­sa­ti­on that ali­gns with your level of exper­ti­se and expe­ri­ence.

How to App­ly

To app­ly, plea­se email, inclu­ding your resu­me and port­fo­lio. To test your atten­ti­on to detail and show that you’­ve read this enti­re lis­ting, plea­se also share your favo­ri­te type­face and explain why it reso­na­tes with you.

We are inte­res­ted in hea­ring from indi­vi­du­al appli­cants and kind­ly request that recrui­ters, agen­ci­es, and off­shore firms refrain from app­ly­ing.

* Pixel­Pier is com­mit­ted to equal employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties and does not dis­cri­mi­na­te against any employee or appli­cant for employ­ment based on fac­tors such as race, color, reli­gi­on, natio­nal ori­gin, age, gen­der, sex, ancestry, citi­zen­ship sta­tus, men­tal or phy­si­cal disa­bi­li­ty, gene­tic infor­ma­ti­on, sexu­al ori­en­ta­ti­on, vete­ran sta­tus, or mili­ta­ry sta­tus. We actively seek indi­vi­du­als to join our team and do not enga­ge with recrui­ters, agen­ci­es, or off­shore firms in our hiring pro­cess.